Coming Soon
Hashtag generator folks are working hard building this feature

Generate thousands of hashtags
for your next Tweet
Hashtag Generator uses Twitter’s auto-complete API to find you popular hashtags relevant to your content.
Apart from showing the Twitter score for a hashtag, we also show you the monthly search volumes for those hashtags in Google, so that you can target the ones with the most potential for your next tweet storm and gain massive number of views & followers.
Hashtags improve engagement
clicks, retweets, favourites, and
Tweets with hashtags can increase engagement by almost 100% for individuals and 50%for brands.
Add hashtags to show your posts to a larger audience, improve brand awareness and target specific users.

Twitter recommends using no more than two hashtags per
So choose from the best.
While Twitter lets you put as many hashtags on a tweet, it recommends that you only use two. It’s likely that Twitter ignore other hashtags or gives them low weightage. So you need a way to figure out which are the top two hashtags you should add.
Luckily here is where Google’s search volume comes in handy. You can use the search volume to figure out the two most popular & relevant hashtags for your post.

Optimize your tweets
for increase in discoverability
Tweets with popular hashtags have a better chance of being found by viewers that follow those hashtags. The more popular the hashtags you use, the more discoverable your content is.
Add hashtags to show your tweets to a larger audience, improve brand awareness and target specific viewers.